Daily Surf report and Weather check brought to you by Tofino Stand Up Paddle boarding (Tofino SUP) and Cultural Canoe Trips: South swell continues. The video shows a set. Sets are somewhat more inconsistent today and period has dropped a little. Another day with small tides, and light winds. …
Your Daily Surf and Weather check brought to you by Tofino Stand Up Paddle boarding (Tofino SUP) and Cultural Canoe Trips: Grey skies mean light winds! A very promising looking wind swell today. Looks like we are in a little pocket of calm winds. Expect the clouds to stick …
Your Daily Surf and Weather check brought to you by Tofino Stand Up Paddle boarding (Tofino SUP) and Cultural Canoe Trips: This is what wind swell is all about. Some fun rides to be found. Expect North West winds to pick up a little earlier today then usual. No …
Your Daily Surf and Weather check brought to you by Tofino Stand Up Paddle boarding (Tofino SUP) and Cultural Canoe Trips: Moderate SE winds this morning are cleaning up the surf at west facing beaches… Small but beautiful looking waves. If you have enough flotation to get into some …
Your Daily Surf and Weather check brought to you by Tofino Stand Up Paddle boarding and Cultural Canoe Trips: South swell is here! 2ft 14seconds to last for a couple days. Plus… light winds all weekend starting Saturday morning. Whatever you wanna do in the water this weekend, its …
Tofino Stand Up Paddleboarding and Canoe Trips present your daily surf report: The longest day of the year is here. It also happens to international aboriginal day. A good day to be in the water for sure. Even better, South swell has arrived in Tofino. It will be picking …
Canoe Tours and Stand Up Paddle Boarding in Tofino brings you a Daily Weather and Surf Report with Video!: Strong NW winds today as a cold front movies in. Some south swell out there. Better bet for surf tomorrow as the south swell is supposed to pick up and …
Tofino Stand Up Paddle boarding, and Cultural Canoeing, brings you updated weather and surf conditions daily! Tofino Weather and Surf Report for June 19: 3ft, 7sec W swell, 1ft, 14sec S swell. Small surf light winds this morning. SW as the day progresses. Forecast to be NW wind by …
Tofino Weather and Surf Report June 17: South Wind, Sunny Weather, Fun small surf. 2ft, 8sec W swell. 1ft, 18sec S swell. Wind to remain south through the day.
Tofino Weather and Surf Reprt June 16: Went searching for the south swell this morning, it was apparent in the water, but a bit too small. 3ft, 10sec. 1ft, 16sec. Here’s a shot of South Chestertman, Calm wind, possibly turning SE later in the day. Nice calm day on …
Tofino Weather and Surf Report June 13 2013: 4ft, 8sec in sustained but dying swell. Wind to switch to NW by the afternoon. Nice day to play around on a longboard. #TofinoSurfReport Video: